
Fastest Way to Unlock Aether Crystal Camos in COD Mobile

Today I am going to teach you how to unlock Aether Crystal Camo super-fast in the brand-new undead siege. With this method, you can at least unlock Aether Crystal camo for 8 guns in just 1 match, and this works best if you grind camo solo, which means no communication with other teammates; you cannot share your loadouts, basically if you are someone with no friends. Well, I am just kidding.

Please note that this post is not about dealing the highest damage or killing more zombies or anything like that; this is strictly for unlocking Aether Crystal Camos as fast as you can. Of course, there might be some people who score 250 gun kills, but you have to find out how many guns they actually use.

Now before we get into the interesting stuff, I want you guys to know how many kills you need from a given weapon type. So, for assault rifles, submachine guns, and light machine guns, you need 25 kills in one match. For pistols, you need 15 kills; for shotguns, you need 12 kills; and for marksman and sniper rifles, you just need 8 kills. You have to remember this.

Now let’s get into the loadouts. In the brand-new undead siege, they have updated the ground loot and airdrop weapons. The ground loot and airdrop weapons right now are CBR4, Oden, EM2, LCAR9, 50GS, Dingo, QQ9, AK47, AK117, Outlaw, Switchblade, DL Q33, HVK30, Peacekeeper, CX9, CR56 AMAX, M13, FFAR1, Holger26, Hades, Fennec, PP19-Bison, HS0405, KRM262, R90, SPR, RPD, Kilo 141, Jak12, ASVAL, Grau 556, Krig 6, and finally Chopper.


Now there are 30+ ground loot and airdrop weapons, and there’s no point in putting these in your loadouts because eventually you will find them somewhere on the map, and it will also be less boring if you find something that you never expected! So, skip these weapons and use other weapons in loadouts. The combo that worked best for me is 1 assault rifle or submachine gun, 2 snipers, 1 marksman rifle, and most importantly, a shotgun! That’s basically your five loadouts.

The next question is: what is the order of these weapons? How are you going to get these loadouts out? To make things easier for you, I have divided this post into days and nights.

On day 1, you have no choice but to use ground loot weapons. The ground loot weapons you will find on day 1 are mostly Fennec, CBR4, LCAR9, 50GS, and QQ9. Here’s a bonus tip. You can get three times more Aether essence if you drive over zombies. Now it doesn’t matter how you kill these zombies; make sure you loot everything. I mean everything! Every upgrade material and ammo type, especially shotgun ammo. That will come in handy later on, and you will see how.

On day 1 night, since these ground loot weapons are available for everyone, maybe you have camos for them already. If you do, allow other teammates to kill regular zombies. You can use the wrench to get rid of Wardens. But remember, you have to loot everything that drops on the ground.

Going on to day 2, now you have plenty of time and plenty of Aether essence. This is the best time to use both of your snipers. That’s right, both of your snipers. That’s because you just need 8 kills for each sniper. Quickly get the loadout. But remember, don’t waste your ammo. Because sniper ammo is very rare. That’s exactly why we’re pulling these loadouts right now. Now, when you kill zombies with the first sniper, you will collect enough Aether essence to buy the second sniper. So, like this, you can finish your grind for snipers.

Day 2 night is not hard either. So, make sure you upgrade your turrets and collect more and more Aether essence. At the end of day 2 night, you will be able to get another loadout. And this time, what you should pick is your assault rifle or the submachine gun.

During day 3, you can use this assault rifle or the submachine gun. Go to a zombie-crowded area and get as many kills as you can. Also in these areas, you will find more ground-loot weapons. If you didn’t find anything, try looting air drops. You will definitely find another ground-loot weapon. At day 3 night, make sure you finish 25 kills for both of your guns. You already have your loadout submachine gun or assault rifle. And also, the ground loot weapon you picked up during day 3. So try to finish this within this round.

Moving on to Day 4, pick up a marksman. For marksman, you just need 8 kills. But you can also use marksman to complete side quests easily. Especially something like if you want to kill the butcher or destroy the crystal like this. And when you are done with that and when you score 8 kills, replace it with another ground loot weapon. Also, you will have plenty of time left in day 4. Within this time, try to get as many kills as you can for the ground loot weapon you picked up. Moving on to Day 4 night, now things get a little bit hard. But here you should finish the required kills for both of your guns.

In day 5, immediately go to air drops. Try to find new weapons. And within day 5, try to finish the required kills for any weapon you pick up. Because in day 5 night, your main focus should be to finish the match, not to grind camos. Because if you lose in day 5 night, you lose everything. To make sure you are not losing it, you have to pull the shotgun out! And here is why:. Now the truth is, it really doesn’t matter how many turrets you have or how helpful your teammates are. With this method, the hard mode will not be hard anymore. Use the shotgun against necromancers and heavy gunners. Heavy gunners are the ones who deal the maximum damage to the control tower. But the necromancers help heavy gunners by reducing the damage you deal to them. In the next section, I will explain it more to you. But right now, just use the shotgun. This is why I told you to collect as much shotgun ammo as you can. Now that you have 100 or more shotgun ammo, you have already won. And also, always aim for the head. That’s really important. Let’s say if you run out of shotgun ammo, don’t worry; you have enough essence. Buy the shotgun again from the vending machine.


Now, a lot of people don’t know about this, but there is a priority of killing zombies. You don’t just kill every zombie you see. Although the heavy gunners are the hardest ones to kill and deal the highest damage to the control tower, the most dangerous zombies in my opinion are necromancers. Because they can reduce the damage you deal to other zombies. So, whenever you see necromancers, kill them first. By now, you should at least know why they appear to be highlighted over the other zombies all the time. Just finish necromancers first and then go to heavy gunners. Here is the priority order in my experience. Necromancer, heavy gunner, pulverizer, igniter, belcher, hazmat, warden, hound, and the regular zombie.

Here’s another tip. Now the reason why I told you to use shotguns in later rounds is that they deal massive damage at once. When they are half-damaged by your other teammates or the turrets with just one shot from a shotgun, you can score the kill. I know it’s more like stealing kills, but you can’t help it. Although you just need 12 kills with the shotgun, I would mostly kill the necromancers and heavy gunners and occasionally the pulverizers.

I recommend HS0405 and CBR4 for beginners who haven’t unlocked Aether Crystal Camo for any guns, and you need to do it faster. If you have already unlocked the Aether Crystal camo for many guns, I still suggest you keep a shotgun with you. Another good alternative is the Shorty. It also deals massive damage, and it works pretty well against heavy gunners.

The final bonus tip. If you have the Wrench-Wrench Rig, you can teleport to the control tower from any place in the map. For example, when the control tower is shifted to another place or teleported to another place, you can quickly go there, upgrade your turrets, and loot nearby air drops. For me, that has been a massive help for grinding camos. But without the Wrench-Wrench Rig, you can do that. But it is so fun with that wrench. And that’s my simple guide for you to unlock Aether Crystal camo as fast as you can. I hope you guys found this post helpful. If you did, please share with your friends and comment if you need anything else to know.

5 thoughts on “Fastest Way to Unlock Aether Crystal Camos in COD Mobile

  1. saudi cv says:

    Great work!

  2. searc h says:

    You’re fantastic!searc h

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